Monday, 24 February 2014

Meal plan: Week 4 (and £4 left!)

Meal Planning: Week 4

Last week:

I managed to stick mostly to plan this week.
Thursday Mr T and I were out at the cinema to FINALLY see Catching Fire (Did you know that Cineworld do this thing called Take2 on a Thursday: a second chance to see films a few months old. The deal is 2 tickets plus 2 small drinks and a medium popcorn all for £10. We're now keeping our eyes out for The Hobbit which we never managed either!)

Friday's Chicken Tikka Masala was yum but the minions had pizza instead as they had friends over for a playdate. Made my own naan bread for the first time ever. Was well chuffed with how they turned out. Minion#1 was totally fascinated watching them cook under the grill. In his words "They were AWESOME!", although everything is awesome according to him as he is still on a come down from his 9th birthday celebrations (see last week).

Saturday: We had my family over for lunch an rugby so I made Maple Mustard Pulled Pork from the BBC Good Food website, which we had with my sisters homemade coleslaw and some rolls. The pork is one of the yummiest things I've made in a very long time. I was going to take photos but it got demolished rather quick. Absolute result. Definitely making that again. With 2 tubs of soft cheese about to go out of date in the fridge it would be rude not to make a cheesecake so Lemon Cheesecake was added to the "to do" list. It was gorgeous.

Best part of Saturday though was Duncan Weirs last minute drop goal which took Scotland ONE POINT ahead of Italy. WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!! #backingblue

This week:

Monday morning and my hair straighteners have just died on me on a puff of smoke (and if I'm honest and not telling Mr T, there was a big flash too) so I know already its going to be a rubbish week.
I know I've already well and truly blown the chance to stay within the £200-£250 monthly food budget I set myself (probably due to minion#1s birthday). I'm currently sitting at £296. So I'm wondering if I could manage to go this week (well until Saturday 1st March) on just £4. We've LOADS of leftover curry from last week and quite a lot of bits n bobs in the freezer. The only food thing I may need to buy is a few bits of fruit for pack lunches. The challenge is on and thankfully the cost of my straighteners will NOT come out of this £4!

Left over chicken curry & rice (fingers crossed minion#2 eats this)
Smoked salmon pasta (Mr & Mrs T) (smoked salmon from freezer)
Hotdog & tomato pasta (Minions) (left over hotdogs from Thursday)
Sloppy Joes (Mr & Mrs T) (from freezer)
Sausage rolls & beans (Minions) (sausage rolls from freezer)
Chilli (or maybe curry) (Mr & Mrs T) (from freezer)
Scrambled egg on toast and small bowl of lentil & bacon soup (Minions) (soup from freezer)
Pizza (Mr T & Minions) (from freezer)
potato skins & chicken kebabs (Mrs T) (from freezer)
Blue cheese stuffed chicken wrapped in prosciutto, wedges & salad.
Lasagne (Jamie Oliver Ministry of Food)

Have a look at the lovely Mrs M's blog for more meal plan inspiration
And for my first time I'm also joining in with MPM at I’m an Organizing Junkie.


  1. Mmmm I love homemade curry using leftovers! Your meals all sound lovely! Have a good week x #MealPlanningMonday

  2. What a great deal at Cineworld!!
    All your meals sound great!!
